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Economic Calendar


31 March 2025 – 4 April 2025

The Week Ahead

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In efforts to ensure that information is readily available for you, we will be publishing and updating the weekly schedule of key global macroeconomic events and company announcements on SGX Academy website every Friday. Click here to access and bookmark the schedule.


Monday, 31 March

AU: CoreLogic Home Value MoM
AU: Melbourne Institute Inflation YoY
AU: Private Sector Credit YoY
CH: Composite PMI
CH: Manufacturing PMI
CH: Non-manufacturing PMI
EC: ECB’s Villeroy Speaks in Paris
GE: CPI EU Harmonized YoY
GE: Import Price Index YoY
GE: Retail Sales NSA YoY
HK: Money Supply M1 HKD YoY
HK: Money Supply M2 HKD YoY
HK: Money Supply M3 HKD YoY
HK: Retail Sales Value YoY
HK: Retail Sales Volume YoY
JP: Annualized Housing Starts
JP: Dept. Store, Supermarket Sales YoY
JP: Housing Starts YoY
JP: Industrial Production YoY
JP: Retail Sales YoY
SK: Cyclical Leading Index Change
SK: Industrial Production YoY
UK: Consumer Credit YoY
UK: Lloyds Business Barometer
UK: Lloyds Own Price Expectations
UK: M4 Ex IOFCs 3M Annualised
UK: M4 Money Supply YoY
UK: Mortgage Approvals
UK: Net Consumer Credit
UK: Net Lending Sec. on Dwellings
US: Dallas Fed Manf. Activity
US: MNI Chicago PMI

Tuesday, 1 April


SG: URA Private Home Prices QoQ
SG: Singapore MAS April 2025 Monetary Policy Statement (1st – 14th)

AU: RBA Cash Rate Target
AU: Retail Sales MoM
AU: S&P Global Australia PMI Mfg
CH: Caixin China PMI Mfg
FR: HCOB France Manufacturing PMI
GE: HCOB Germany Manufacturing PMI
JP: Jibun Bank Japan PMI Mfg
JP: Jobless Rate
JP: Job-To-Applicant Ratio
JP: Tankan Large All Industry Capex
JP: Tankan Large Mfg Index
JP: Tankan Large Mfg Outlook
JP: Tankan Large Non-Mfg Index
JP: Tankan Large Non-Mfg Outlook
JP: Tankan Small Mfg Index
JP: Tankan Small Mfg Outlook
JP: Tankan Small Non-Mfg Index
JP: Tankan Small Non-Mfg Outlook
SK: Exports YoY
SK: Imports YoY
SK: S&P Global South Korea PMI Mfg
SK: Trade Balance
TA: S&P Global Taiwan PMI Mfg
UK: BRC Shop Price Index YoY
UK: Nationwide House Px NSA YoY
UK: S&P Global UK Manufacturing PMI
US: Construction Spending MoM
US: Dallas Fed Services Activity
US: ISM Employment
US: ISM Manufacturing
US: ISM New Orders
US: ISM Prices Paid
US: JOLTS Job Openings
US: JOLTS Job Openings Rate
US: JOLTS Layoffs Level
US: JOLTS Layoffs Rate
US: JOLTS Quits Level
US: JOLTS Quits Rate
US: S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI
US: Wards Total Vehicle Sales (1st – 2nd)

Wednesday, 2 April



SG: Electronics Sector Index
SG: Purchasing Managers Index

AU: Building Approvals MoM
AU: Private Sector Houses MoM
AU: RBA’s Kent-Speech
FR: Budget Balance YTD
ID: S&P Global Indonesia PMI Mfg
JP: Monetary Base End of period
JP: Monetary Base YoY
MA: S&P Global Malaysia PMI Mfg
SK: CPI Ex Food and Energy YoY
US: ADP Employment Change
US: Cap Goods Orders Nondef Ex Air
US: Cap Goods Ship Nondef Ex Air
US: Durable Goods Orders
US: Durables Ex Transportation
US: Factory Orders
US: Factory Orders Ex Trans
US: MBA Mortgage Applications

Thursday, 3 April

SG: S&P Global Singapore PMI

AU: Exports MoM
AU: Imports MoM
AU: Job Vacancies QoQ
AU: RBA-Financial Stability Review
AU: S&P Global Australia PMI Composite
AU: S&P Global Australia PMI Services
AU: Trade Balance
CH: Caixin China PMI Composite
CH: Caixin China PMI Services
FR: HCOB France Composite PMI
FR: HCOB France Services PMI
GE: HCOB Germany Composite PMI
GE: HCOB Germany Services PMI
HK: S&P Global Hong Kong PMI
JP: Foreign Buying Japan Bonds
JP: Foreign Buying Japan Stocks
JP: Japan Buying Foreign Bonds
JP: Japan Buying Foreign Stocks
JP: Jibun Bank Japan PMI Composite
JP: Jibun Bank Japan PMI Services
SK: Foreign Reserves
UK: DMP 1 Year CPI Expectations
UK: DMP 3M Output Price Expectations
UK: Official Reserves Changes
UK: S&P Global UK Composite PMI
UK: S&P Global UK Services PMI
US: Challenger Job Cuts YoY
US: Continuing Claims
US: Initial Jobless Claims
US: ISM Services Employment
US: ISM Services Index
US: ISM Services New Orders
US: ISM Services Prices Paid
US: S&P Global US Composite PMI
US: S&P Global US Services PMI
US: Trade Balance

Friday, 4 April


SG: Retail Sales Ex Auto YoY
SG: Retail Sales YoY

AU: Household Spending YoY
FR: Industrial Production YoY
FR: Manufacturing Production YoY
GE: Factory Orders WDA YoY
GE: HCOB Germany Construction PMI
JP: Household Spending YoY
UK: New Car Registrations YoY
UK: S&P Global UK Construction PMI
US: Average Hourly Earnings YoY
US: Average Weekly Hours All Employees
US: Change in Manufact. Payrolls
US: Change in Nonfarm Payrolls
US: Change in Private Payrolls
US: Labor Force Participation Rate
US: Two-Month Payroll Net Revision
US: Underemployment Rate
US: Unemployment Rate
US: U. of Mich. Sentiment

Updated as of 28 March 2025
Source: SGX, Bloomberg and Refinitiv

Please note that scheduled earnings releases are subject to change. For more corporate actions, please click here. You may refer to the broker’s reports’ here.

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