James Ooi
James Ooi is a Market Strategist at Tiger Brokers (Singapore) with over 15 years of experience across the financial sector. With expertise in both buy- and sell-side markets, James is skilled at analyzing complex financial landscapes to help investors make informed decisions.
Holding a Bachelor of Business in Finance and Marketing from the University of Technology Sydney, James is also a regular market commentator on major media outlets, sharing insights on market trends and developments and a SGX Academy trainer.
Passionate about financial education, James speaks at seminars and events, using real-world examples to teach Fundamental and Technical Analysis. He aims to inspire and empower investors, emphasizing the importance of discipline, passion, and continuous learning in their investment journey.
黄佳仁先生是老虎证券(新加坡)的市场策略师。他从 2007 年开始从事金融行业,拥有股票交易,市场研究和资产管理相关经验,擅长基本面分析和技术分析。黄先生毕业于悉尼科技大学,主修金融和市场营销学。
黄先生常受邀担任新传媒亚洲新闻台和8频道财经节目的嘉宾,谈论股市动态并提供资讯供投资者参考。他也经常参与《联合早报》和958 城市频道的财经访问。他曾担任多场投资讲座的主讲人,包括 Invest Fair 2015。黄先生也曾在新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学举办技术分析讲座。